My Corseting Experience:
From Occasional Model to Moderate Waist Trainer
After about 6 months of wearing them once or twice a month, I was hired on at Orchard Corset and was the “Guinea Pig” for all the samples that came in and also started doing more frequent shoots for product shots. I began wearing corsets a lot more frequently than I had in the last 6 months, I would say once or twice every two weeks. I was noticing a big difference in my comfort level in a corset, and was able to wear one for longer periods of time. The more I wore them it seemed, the more I was able to cinch one down until the 24 was closed.
This took me about 6 months doing it slow, like I said I only had them on for a day or two (6 hours-ish) every two weeks I was working out some and eating good but never denying myself the sugar crave that hits occasionally. I am now in a size 22, and have been for about a year now. To tell
you the truth, I am active but not going to the gym nearly as much as I used to 2 years ago and my eating is both good and bad at times, though I try and keep it on the better side. My measurements as of now are: Bust-34 Underbust-29 Waist-27 Upper Hip-34. As of the last 6 months I have been waist training 4 days a week for 4-9 hours and I can now completely shut my seasoned corsets in a size 22. (those who are beginners, a seasoned corset is one that you have broken in by wearing for short periods of time the first couple weeks to allow the corset boning to form to your figure so it does not stress or warp, we have a great blog to read if you are wondering how to do this).
For now, I choose to stay at a size 22, and I see a noticeable difference in my hourglass curve, even without the corset on which is awesome! I can rock a 426 like no one’s business now because I have lost 2 inches on my waistline and it gave me the curve I needed to fill in the hip room I lacked when I first started wearing corsets. Before this,
I could wear the CS-511 overbust being in the 24, but now with my smaller waist I have noticed pushes my girls up a little farther than I particularly like so I am defiantly one of those anxious consumers wanting the much anticipated OC overbust that will accommodate us bustier ladies (for the record I am a 34D). Also, the305 satin is not curvy enough for me, I can still wear the 305 leather because it has more give naturally but is not as comfortable on my hips anymore as the style once was.
Another thing corsets have corrected for me is my floating rib and broad rib cage I have had since birth which otherwise would not be fixable. In a sense, corsets to my ribs have been like braces are for your teeth. I often explain corsets to beginning waist trainers as such; Just like braces, it is a slow process to gradually change your figure just like straightening your teeth. You may feel sore in spots from time to time, and you need to wear your corset every so often like a retainer to keep the exactness of what you want once you reach your goal, but the results are well worth the time and patience.
My Advice:
- BREAK YOUR CORSET IN!! I often compare the corset boning to a paperclip, because once you bend and stretch out the paper clip, it will never be the same if you try and put it in it’s original form, so breaking in your corset is VERY important, also it gets 100 times more comfortable the more you wear it and break it in properly.
- GET YOUR CORRECT MEASUREMENTS!! Bust, Underbust, Waist (where you bend), Upper Hip, and Torso Length (from the bottom of your sternum under the breast to the top of your pelvis where you took your upper hip measurement, straight down). Corset sizing CAN NOT be guessed or known by bra size or pant size.
- DO NOT START OUT IN A SIZE WAY TO SMALL FOR YOU! you will already bend the boning, and then you are training your body with a bent corset, and you wouldn’t want a crooked retainer on your teeth would you? If the back of your corset looks like this ( ) with your skin showing or almost showing in the middle, it is too small or you are tightening the top and bottom too much and you need to work on pulling in the middle. It should be evenly laced to bring in your waist correctly, which is the point of the corset like this ||
- If you do not know your size…ASK!! we have so many helpful blogs, videos, and employees more than willing to share information to help. Chat with us, call, of just send an email!
- BE PATIENT!! Your teeth don’t move with braces over night, nor will your rib cage. You do not want to harm yourself or your organs by trying to cinch to low to fast. Allow time for your body to adapt to it’s change. It will happen I promise…patience is a virtue!
- DO NOT START OFF IN A LEVEL YOUR BODY CAN NOT HANDLE! We have tons of different styles to accommodate different body types with a great blog to compare our styles. Like I said, the 426 was too curvy for me at first until about a year of slow waist training. Work your way up the latter, so you do not get discouraged or experience unnecessary discomfort.
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