Tuesday, November 26, 2013

De-bloating Tools for Corseting!

Mint: Aids in digestion by promoting the movement of food through the digestive track. Just put some in water or drink mint tea.

Calcium: Causes the body's cells to burn the fat instead of holding on to it, and is most absorbed with food's containing vitamin D, such as milk in small amounts.

Peanut Butter: Free of added sugar, small amounts like 2 tablespoons a day is great for a vigerous digestive system because of the niacin content. 

Asparagus, Cucumber, Watercress, Watermelon: All great diuretic foods, high in fiber and a lot of water, which flushes out your system of toxins held in your fat causing you to bloat.

Dandelions: Ranked top 4 for the overall most nutritious veggie, not only are they great for you the weed acts as a diuretic and releases both water and reduces gas. Eaten in a salad or made into a tea, make sure they are chemical free!

Coconut Water: Has potassium which flushes sodium from the body. Sodium retains water and causes bloating. Make sure there is no sugar added and replace your high sugar soda with it.

Avocados: Have more potassium than bananas and also are high on the good fats your body needs.

Grapes: Helps to cure a sweet tooth, usually caused by the body lacking natural sugars which we often fill with processed sugars that cause our body to swell.

Pineapple: Contains an enzyme called Bromelain which aids in digestion, great to eat after a meal.

Yogurt, Keefer, Kombucha : Look for no or low sugar content that has live and active cultures. Not only do these have major health benefits but they aid your gastrointestinal system in digestion and to absorb your food properly.

Fennel Seeds: For fast relief this is a bloat blaster, so either have as a tea or eat them directly on foods or with cereal or yogurt. The Fennel allows your muscles in your digestive track to relax and allows trapped gas to pass.

Cutting out drinks such as soda or beer will help greatly.

Avoid sweeteners at all times! Use honey or agave nectar

Too little fiber, fluids, and physical activity can cause constipation that can result in bloating.

Having Allergies to wheat and Lactose Intolerance are common factors of bloating, to find out if this is a problem for you ask your doctor it takes just a simple test.

Eating too fast can cause you to swallow air, also the more you chew your food the faster the body can break it down.
Drink Plenty of Water!!!

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